Every Bedtime Stories tale is set in and around the magical town of Horsmarlonerpool.

It's a town made up of different parts - with adventure and surprises in all of them. There's the Old Town, which contains narrow cobbled streets and Castle Earnose. Then there's the newer houses, and surrounding meadows, and a train station, harbor and airport. 

Running through the centre of town is the River Gurgleglug, which begins high up Lomberstack Mountain and flows out into the Albion Sea. To the north are the Skylands, and to the west are the pastures. 

The town is full of characters, and even some wonderful creatures - like Belvedere the Snow Crusher, and Lionel the friendly troll.

Everyone who lives in Horsmarlonerpool is very happy to do so, and they'd all be delighted if you come and visit as often as you can.