half hitch

The Best Biscuits

The Best Biscuits

When Kaolin and Olive arrived at Half Hitch school one Friday morning they went to Mrs Kipper’s classroom as normal but found all their friends standing outside the locked door.

“What’s the matter, why can’t we go inside?” asked Kaolin.

“We don’t know where Mrs Kipper is!” replied Mateo.

“Someone said she’s gone on holiday to another planet,” said Alexis, excitedly.

“Another planet?” said Olive. “But how?”

Jennifer The Comedian

Jennifer The Comedian

Jennifer was in Mr Bloom’s class at Half Hitch Elementary. The classroom was the same size as Mrs Kipper’s next door, and everyone sat with their tables in a big circle so everyone could look at each other.

Mr Bloom, who Jennifer thought was a wonderful teacher, normally stood in the middle of this circle. He had a wonderful voice, and everyone enjoyed listening to him and asking questions. The only time he’d stop with his lesson is when the green speaker in the far high corner of the classroom crackled in to life - because this was the speaker that Mrs Perrinpeas, the headmistress, would use for special announcements.