half hitch

The Extraordinary Decorations

The Extraordinary Decorations

Every year as it gets closer to Christmas, each class at Half Hitch school decorates their classrooms as well and as imaginatively as they can - with as little help from their teachers as possible. Then, the whole school is allowed to walk into all the classrooms and see what each of them looks like.

The idea is that each class shows off what they’ve been learning that year. So if a Year 6 class had been learning about bright colorful chemicals, maybe their decorations would be a big science experiment. Or if a Year 4 class has been learning about forests, maybe their decorations would be big snowy trees?

The Search For The Skydivers

The Search For The Skydivers

At 10.30 every morning, after the second lesson of the day, the bell high on the roof of Half Hitch School would chime three times and every class would run outside into the playground that formed a square in the centre of the school buildings and - through a bright tunnel that went under the Academy - a grassy field of hills and slides down one side of the school, too.

Margo and Mohammed were in Mr Bloom’s class and would often play with others from Mr Bloom’s class too, but today they were playing with Abby and Sam from Mrs Kipper’s class. The game they’d invented was putting a hoop on the ground and then throwing or kicking a ball as high as you could and trying to make it land in the - wait… What was that?

Harriet of Half Hitch

Harriet of Half Hitch

As everyone arrived one sunny morning at Half Hitch school, there was the murmur of rumors in the air: Everyone was whispering that Mrs Perrinpeas the headmistress wanted everyone to meet in the hall before classes begun - and apparently it was because they were all going to be introduced to a new teacher.

As everyone from every glass sat in the main hall facing the stage, Mrs Perrinpeas entered, carrying a basket. This was unusual; Mrs Perrinpeas didn’t normally walk around with a basket.