
Lionel The Hero

Lionel The Hero

Four times a year, Lord and Lady Devonroe host a feast in Castle Earnose that all the children in Horsmarlonerpool are invited to. There were three feasts at the beginning of the three school holidays, and a fourth big special feast at Christmas.

Well, this being the start of the summer holiday, everyone got an invitation through the post with a big bright sun on it that said to be at the Grand Hall of Castle Earnose at 2 O’Clock on Tuesday afternoon.

The Tidy Robot

The Tidy Robot

Mateo wasn’t scared of the dark when he went to bed, because he knew that his house was as safe as a fortress, and that his mummy and daddy were either downstairs watching television or somewhere nearby.

Not to mention, his covers were warm like a shield, and there was a little light on in the corner that was protecting him when he closed his eyes. There was nothing to worry about, and normally he slept very deeply and had wonderful dreams.

The Peculiar Headmaster of Half Hitch

The Peculiar Headmaster of Half Hitch

Colorado and Adora had nearly finished their first ever term in Year One at Half Hitch Elementary School

And what a term they’d had. They’d learnt how to plant seeds, and paint, and stand on one leg and then how to stand on no legs. You see, Half Hitch wasn’t a normal type of school - it was all about using your imagination and trying to make - as the headmistress Mrs Perrinpeas would always say - “trying to make the impossible, possible.”

The Sprites of Sprivers

The Sprites of Sprivers

If you ever go to Horsmarlonerpool, and head north out of the centre of town and into the country - you’ll soon come across a wood. It’s a very special wood, not just because it’s full of magic and magical adventures and adventures that are magical, but very special to me - because I was born there.

The wood is called Sprivers. And I grew up in a cave to the west of the wood with my Aunt Darla and Uncle Donald. And so I reckon I know most of what there is to know about Sprivers - and it does the heart good to know that the people of Horsmarlonerpool still find magic in it today.